
Ice Caps Melted 14,600 Years Ago Reveal New Findings

  • By Joergen Haisem
  • (General Dispatch) – At the end of the ice age, high temperatures led to the loss of ice and a considerable rise in sea level.
  • Based on geological records, scientists were able to determine the magnitude of the event. They also determined the ice sheets involved in the sea level rise.
  • The information was released Thursday in the journal Nature Communications. According to the data revealed, during at least 500 years the planet’s seas rose 60 feet.
  • The study was developed through a technique called “sea level fingerprinting and state-of-the-art modeling methods”. The specialists were able to reach the conclusions.
  • First, they were able to show that the greatest amount of meltwater comes from the ice sheets of Europe, the United Asia, and North America.
  • The main leader of the research Yucheng Lin issued in a press release that this study has been totally challenging and surprising for them to be able with objectivity and determination to reach these conclusions.
  • The effects caused by the melting ice sheets flooded the lower costs around the world. At the same time, the influx of freshwater introduced changes in climatic conditions.
  • In conclusion, the findings described above provided significant breakthroughs. Now, however, researchers are after the truth of what exactly caused the layers to melt.

Adittional Information:

Breitbart: Melting ice sheets triggered 60 feet of sea level rise 14,600 years ago

UPI: Melting ice sheets triggered 60 feet of sea level rise 14,600 years ago

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