
Candidate Le Pen Asks Former French Military to Support Her

  • By Jennifer Prill
  • (General Dispatch) – The candidate for the next presidential elections to be held Marine Le Pen has asked the ex-military to support her despite the fact that they signed a letter affirming their position against Islamism.
  • The letter was signed by 20 high-ranking military officers, where they requested Emmanuel Macron that if necessary to act to defend the homeland they would act without any problem.
  • “Today, some speak of racism, indigenism and decolonial theories. But through these terms, it is a race war that these fanatical and hateful partisans want. They despise our country, its traditions, its culture and want to see it dissolve by swindling its past and history,” the letter said.
  • The letter warns that if President Macron does not act on the encroachment of Muslims on the culture and values of the French, and continues to allow lax measures, there will come a time when the conflict will move to another level.
  • If the country continues to maintain conflicts with Islamists, a civil war could be generated in the short term due to the lack of authority, said a former top French general.
  • However, Le Pen said she understood the position of the former military, and asked them to support her in order to open a debate where a conciliation could be reached and thus avoid raising tensions even more.
  • After Le Pen announced support for the military, leftist politicians immediately made a criticism, pointing out that the letter attempts a military coup against the Republic.
  • “France has been at peace for 75 years. We soldiers do not want war. We know what it is. My fear is civil war. When we behead a teacher in front of a university or when we assassinate three people who come to pray in a church.” said General de Villiers.

Adittional Information:

Breitbart: Le Pen Asks Ex-Military To Join Her After Controversial ‘Civil War’ Letter

Valeur Actualles: “For a return of the honor of our rulers”: 20 generals call on Macron to defend patriotism

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